Monday, September 1, 2008


Our  family is addicted to Coke.  We currently have on our shelves diet Coke with Aspartame, diet Coke with Splenda, diet Coke Plus (does it not seem bizarre to add vitamins and minerals to a drink that rots your teeth and eats your insides?), diet Coke with lime, and regular old Coke.  However, I am being buried alive in half drunk Coke cans.  So henceforth anyone leaving a can of Coke on a table, counter, floor, desk, arm of a chair, piano, etc. will suffer the penalty of having to drink Pepsi.  (no exceptions)

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Last night was the first night since we bought this house 
in 2002 that I've stayed here absolutely alone.  It is a scary house because someone could be walking around in the basement and I wouldn't hear it from the top floor.  I have to admit I was scared.

I wasn't helped by the fact that Lisa is convinced that a spirit has been moving things in her room.  Also I watched two episodes of Law and Order about women being raped before I went to bed.  So to protect myself I closed the bedroom door, put the ironing board up against it and a step ladder next to it, then I put stuff on top of them so if anyone came in I would hear the falling things.  Then I got out my Mace, my big whistle, and my cell phone and put them on the bedside table.  Feeling better, I went to sleep. 

Monday, August 11, 2008


Friday evening we took Natalie and Ava out to dinner and then to the Children's Museum and Fountain at Gateway. It was one of those wonderful Grandma evenings when I can't believe how smart, sweet and enchanting my Grandkids are. At dinner when the waitress brought the food, without being coached, Natalie said thank you and Ava said Tankoo. The waitress said she had never had little children thank her before. She was totally least until Natalie told her that her hair was messy. At the Children's Museum we each had to wear a paper bracelet as our ticket. The girls were WAY into the museum, especially the pretend farm and the pretend grocery store. Both took their turn at the cash register checking out groceries other kids had bought. We had to drag them out at closing time. We proceeded on to the fountain. All the way there Natalie debated whether it was OK to get her dress wet while running through the water. She had no problem deciding once she saw the other kids having fun. She was soon standing in the middle laughing. Ava preferred to watch. (She really doesn't like getting her clothes wet you know.) When both girls looked so tired I thought they might drop, we got them back into the car and headed home. While getting ready for bed, Natalie said she wanted to wear her paper-bracelet ticket from the museum while she slept. I told her it might not be comfortable but that we could put it back on the next morning (which we did.)
On Saturday Keith arrived and at bedtime Natalie again wanted to wear the bracelet. He said she could. She raced up the stairs and told me that her daddy was letting her wear the bracelet to bed.  Then in her loudest voice she screamed "Grandma, YOU ARE NOT SMART!" In a huff she marched back downstairs. [I also posted this on Amy's blog. Sorry about the repetition.]

Thursday, August 7, 2008


For me there seem to be two levels of existence here on earth, the heavenly and the worldly.  I remember hearing President Howard Hunter once say that he felt so sad for those who feel stress in their lives.  He himself had not experienced this negative state.  I think that this was because he was consistently in the heavenly sphere of living.  We are told to be in the world but not of the world.  This is so difficult to do but once we reach the heavenly sphere life is easy, almost effortless.

Here are some examples of things I've noticed lately in my own life.

Heavenly State, Worldly State

I enjoy the talents and abilities of others.....I feel threatened and competitive.
I have a passion for work and want to make others'  lives happier......Work is tiring.
I notice the beauties of the world around me...... I am irritated that it is so hot.
I cherish each new discovery that my grandchildren  make..... I am not thrilled that they wear diapers. 

Does anyone else have examples?  How do you get into the heavenly state more consistently?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kudos to Natalie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natalie swam without floaters this week! One perk of living in an apartment in LV is having your own pool! Natalie, you are a fish!

What Have You Learned?

On our GAB night I think one interesting thing to talk about might be what you have learned since our last vacation. For example, I have learned:
1. I can live happily without piano students but I can't live without music.
2. Granchildren like you better if you don't overwhelm them with gushy, lovey kisses and stuff.

3. If I don't have to get up with the alarm clock I can easily go to bed at midnight and wake up at 10. I think I have been sleep deprived my whole life.
4. Depth of experience is more important than quantity of experiences.
5. When we are not stressed Steve and I can read each other's minds.
6. The most important reason for going to church is to take the sacrament. Then it is to support each other as we try to fill callings, often ineptly but sometimes wonderfully. For me church attendance does not give me the spiritual fulfillment that personal study does but it is still important.
7. My children know so much more than I do about many things. This is so exciting to me.
8. I can get really angry if another driver is rude to me. I am amazed at how angry I can get!
9. It is soooo fun to drive my new car. It's almost as good as playing a Steinway.

10. I am very much affected by sound systems in cars. A good one can bring me to tears.
11. Life is more exciting if you don't follow the general expectations that everyone has about life and what you should be doing.
12. I am becoming interested in the possibilities of plastic surgery!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am collecting ideas for Newport Beach. Here are some I've thought of.

1) GAB night (grittons and boyfriend) - Each family (or person) does a presentation. This would be after the kids are in bed and can be serious, spiritual, funny, talent-related (sing, dance, juggle, etc.), or anything as long as you get up and do something!

2) Morning aerobics class on the beach or park. (inspired by Dan in Real Life) The leader can change each day. We need music.

3) Game night - Sets, Trivial Pursuit, etc.

4) Disneyland day

5) Sea World Day

6) Each family member prepares dinner for one night

7) Siblings night out while Mom and Dad babysit.

8) Surfing lessons

9) Jet skis

10) Sand Castle tournament

Monday, July 14, 2008

Blogging for Oldies

I have so enjoyed reading other people's blogs that Steve and I are going to join the fun.  We hope to get family comments and link our blog to those of our offspring, spouses and friends.  First comments coming tomorrow.