Monday, August 11, 2008


Friday evening we took Natalie and Ava out to dinner and then to the Children's Museum and Fountain at Gateway. It was one of those wonderful Grandma evenings when I can't believe how smart, sweet and enchanting my Grandkids are. At dinner when the waitress brought the food, without being coached, Natalie said thank you and Ava said Tankoo. The waitress said she had never had little children thank her before. She was totally least until Natalie told her that her hair was messy. At the Children's Museum we each had to wear a paper bracelet as our ticket. The girls were WAY into the museum, especially the pretend farm and the pretend grocery store. Both took their turn at the cash register checking out groceries other kids had bought. We had to drag them out at closing time. We proceeded on to the fountain. All the way there Natalie debated whether it was OK to get her dress wet while running through the water. She had no problem deciding once she saw the other kids having fun. She was soon standing in the middle laughing. Ava preferred to watch. (She really doesn't like getting her clothes wet you know.) When both girls looked so tired I thought they might drop, we got them back into the car and headed home. While getting ready for bed, Natalie said she wanted to wear her paper-bracelet ticket from the museum while she slept. I told her it might not be comfortable but that we could put it back on the next morning (which we did.)
On Saturday Keith arrived and at bedtime Natalie again wanted to wear the bracelet. He said she could. She raced up the stairs and told me that her daddy was letting her wear the bracelet to bed.  Then in her loudest voice she screamed "Grandma, YOU ARE NOT SMART!" In a huff she marched back downstairs. [I also posted this on Amy's blog. Sorry about the repetition.]

1 comment:

Todd McLauchlin said...

So funny... those girls are adorable.