Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Have You Learned?

On our GAB night I think one interesting thing to talk about might be what you have learned since our last vacation. For example, I have learned:
1. I can live happily without piano students but I can't live without music.
2. Granchildren like you better if you don't overwhelm them with gushy, lovey kisses and stuff.

3. If I don't have to get up with the alarm clock I can easily go to bed at midnight and wake up at 10. I think I have been sleep deprived my whole life.
4. Depth of experience is more important than quantity of experiences.
5. When we are not stressed Steve and I can read each other's minds.
6. The most important reason for going to church is to take the sacrament. Then it is to support each other as we try to fill callings, often ineptly but sometimes wonderfully. For me church attendance does not give me the spiritual fulfillment that personal study does but it is still important.
7. My children know so much more than I do about many things. This is so exciting to me.
8. I can get really angry if another driver is rude to me. I am amazed at how angry I can get!
9. It is soooo fun to drive my new car. It's almost as good as playing a Steinway.

10. I am very much affected by sound systems in cars. A good one can bring me to tears.
11. Life is more exciting if you don't follow the general expectations that everyone has about life and what you should be doing.
12. I am becoming interested in the possibilities of plastic surgery!


Lisa said...

I think #8 deserves a blog in and of itself...I find it so funny! Also, let me know when you go for #12 ;)

Cooper Squared said...

I am not certain why you are considering #12. You have aged perfectly! You have zero wrinkles and believe I am not being nice, I am a critic about these things and obsessed with wrinkles.

bg said...

You are forgetting my two chins!