Thursday, August 7, 2008


For me there seem to be two levels of existence here on earth, the heavenly and the worldly.  I remember hearing President Howard Hunter once say that he felt so sad for those who feel stress in their lives.  He himself had not experienced this negative state.  I think that this was because he was consistently in the heavenly sphere of living.  We are told to be in the world but not of the world.  This is so difficult to do but once we reach the heavenly sphere life is easy, almost effortless.

Here are some examples of things I've noticed lately in my own life.

Heavenly State, Worldly State

I enjoy the talents and abilities of others.....I feel threatened and competitive.
I have a passion for work and want to make others'  lives happier......Work is tiring.
I notice the beauties of the world around me...... I am irritated that it is so hot.
I cherish each new discovery that my grandchildren  make..... I am not thrilled that they wear diapers. 

Does anyone else have examples?  How do you get into the heavenly state more consistently?

1 comment:

Todd McLauchlin said...

I loved this post. I can always tell where I am by how I feel when I am driving. Which means I don't have the right spirit usually.