Monday, September 1, 2008


Our  family is addicted to Coke.  We currently have on our shelves diet Coke with Aspartame, diet Coke with Splenda, diet Coke Plus (does it not seem bizarre to add vitamins and minerals to a drink that rots your teeth and eats your insides?), diet Coke with lime, and regular old Coke.  However, I am being buried alive in half drunk Coke cans.  So henceforth anyone leaving a can of Coke on a table, counter, floor, desk, arm of a chair, piano, etc. will suffer the penalty of having to drink Pepsi.  (no exceptions)


Lisa said...

That's hilarious. I promise to leave no coke cans lying around willy nilly :)

Cooper Squared said...

Diet Coke cans and Lisa's t-zone face blotters! :)

ajcdance said...

I love the picture... That's the perfect penalty, though. I can hardly imagine having to go through a can of PEPSI! Well, we gave in to the juice-box thing as a way to try to help Natalie be excited for preschool. I know you guys already went through this and can relate - we are now drowning in half-drunk juice boxes!

Tyla Majors said...

I didn't know you had a blog! How fun - keep it up:)